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MARQUES, Adilson; FERRO, Nuno; MARTINS, João  and  COSTA, Francisco Carreiro da. The performing of a secondary physical education department committed to the Portuguese physical education national curriculum. Motri. [online]. 2017, vol.13, suppl.1, pp.100-111. ISSN 1646-107X.

This study examined the performance of a secondary physical education (PE) department committed to the Portuguese PE National Curriculum. PE department head perceptions, PE teachers’ educational believes, school and PE department characteristics, PE curriculum, and PE classes were analysed. The main goal set by PE teachers was to prepare students for an active and healthy lifestyle. PE teachers showed a shared commitment about what is important to teach and the best way to have an organized learning environment. They worked as a team, focusing their teaching in students’ learning. They showed high expectations, believing that students can succeed, which suggested a strong moral purpose. Teachers share different PE values orientations, however, students engaged in MVPA for more than 50% of the available class time. This reflected the teachers’ collective compromise to follow the same PE objectives, along with making students’ interests a top priority. To promote teamwork and coherent curricular decisions, as well as good educational practices in a school, the PE department is probably a crucial component to providing a positive learning environment.

Keywords : physical education department; health promotion; physical education.

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