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Revista Lusófona de Educação

versão impressa ISSN 1645-7250


CONDE, Maria Teresa Barros. The mutual learning practice in the training of primary school teachers. A pedagogical experience in 19th-century Portugal . Rev. Lusófona de Educação [online]. 2005, n.6, pp.117-137. ISSN 1645-7250.

In this paper a concise analysis will be presented of the issue of the training of teachers charged with teaching the 3Rs in Portugal in the first half of the 19th century. This training aimed at enabling state-school teachers to apply the mutual learning system. The first teacher training college, located in Lisbon, opened in 1824, but only after 1836 similar institutions came into existence all over the country. In order to make it easier for my readers to understand this topic I shall begin with a brief introductory refe-rence to this ‘new’ method in the European school context and its guiding principles.

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