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Revista Portuguesa de Educação

Print version ISSN 0871-9187


STELKO-PEREIRA, Ana Carina; WILLIAMS, Lúcia Cavalcanti de Albuquerque; AMBIEL, Rodolfo Augusto Matteo  and  CORTEZ, Pedro Afonso. Validity evidences for the Victimization among Students Scale (VSS). Rev. Port. de Educação [online]. 2019, vol.32, n.2, pp.122-133. ISSN 0871-9187.

This study evaluated the Brazilian instrument Victimization among Students Scale s (VSS) in respect to the internal structure, internal consistence, and its relationship with another variable (stress). A database involving 1.484 students, from grades 6-9, in public schools of six cities from four Brazilian States was employed. Results indicated that the Scale comprehends two factors: face-to-face victimization and virtual victimization, which in conjunction explain about 50% of the variance, with an internal consistency index of 0,84 and 0,77. Additionally, the VSS was applied twice in a period of 30 days (N=100) in the city of Fortaleza, with a total reliability score of 0,64. Participants from Fortaleza also answered the Child Stress Scale (CSS), and positive significantly correlations above 0,65 were found between VSS and CSS. Thus, EVA is a promising alternative to evaluate the phenomenon.

Keywords : Bullying; School harassment; Psychometric.

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