Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Observatorio (OBS*)]]> vol. 13 num. 4 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, a popular president who has all the media coverage</b>: <b>Content analysis of the press (2016-2018)</b>]]> In his first speech, in March 2016, as 20th Portuguese President, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa guaranteed that every Portuguese person was rooted in his first determining thought. It was in the people that President Marcelo found legitimacy to develop everything he sought. But will this concern in building bridges, in bringing others closer to him, be reflected on the journalistic coverage that his work raises? From the analysis of the first two years of his term, what is striking is the depiction of a President who wants everyone close to him, and yet the whole daily press discourse is centred on him. The President has consistently aligned himself with different social actors and has made a visible effort to expand his political action to different Portuguese regions and also to several other countries. However, the President is the main source and hegemonic voice in journalistic discourse. This research begins with the following question: How does the journalistic coverage of President Marcelo's activity, during his two-year term of office (2016-2018), concur with and guarantee the principles of autonomy and exemption in the news construction? Taking into account this research question, in methodological terms, this study will analyse the two years of journalistic coverage of the presidential activity, from a set of daily and weekly newspapers. The technique of content analysis will be used, in a categorical approach, following Bardin's (2013) and Lopes & Espírito Santo's (2016) previous framework. The expected results are the identification of the relationship between the political involvement of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa as President and the construction of the press message, combined with the potential introduction of a new role for the President as a political and media actor of the democratic system. <![CDATA[<b>As mudanças climáticas e o seu discurso no HuffPost Brasil</b>: <b>ênfase no "fazer sentir" ou no "fazer saber"?</b>]]> Um dos aspectos da narrativa jornalística digital online é de que a construção argumentativa de apelos à emoção (fazer sentir) é mais influente na esfera pública do que fatos objetivos (fazer saber). Ao propor analisar como ocorre o tratamento de notícias sobre mudanças climáticas do jornal nativo digital HuffPost Brasil, este artigo apresenta como objetivos centrais: verificar os discursos predominantes e analisar o tratamento de conteúdos produzidos por diferentes atores sociais (jornalistas, blogueiros e instituições). Parte-se da seguinte questão-chave: As notícias sobre mudanças climáticas estão focalizadas no "fazer sentir" (emoções) ou no "fazer saber" (conhecimento)? A coleta de dados foi feita a partir de metodologia cruzada (software de mineração e análise de texto e Google notícias). O quadro teórico principal está ancorado nos modos discursivos propostos por Charaudeau (2006) e nas características do jornalismo de internet discutidos por Del Vecchio de Lima et al (2017). Conclui-se que a cobertura sobre mudanças climáticas no site é muito reduzida e que o tema de modo geral não é tratado com "dramaticidade" (a fim de emocionar) como ocorre em vários veículos noticiosos.<hr/>One of the aspects of the online digital journalistic narrative is that the argumentative construction of emotional appeal (to make feel, to captivate, to raise interest) has more influence in the public sphere than objective facts (produce a discourse in order to make know, to inform). By proposing to analyze how does the treatment of news about climate change happens on the pure player newspaper HuffPost Brazil, this article establishes as primary objectives: to verify the predominant discourses and, to analyze the content treatment produced by different social actors (journalists, bloggers and institutions). The departure point is the following key-question: Are the news about climate change focused on "making you feel" (emotions) or "making you know" (knowledge/information)? The data collection was made using the cross-methodology (mining software and text analysis and Google news). The main theoretical framework is linked to the discursive types proposed by Charaudeau (2006) and the characteristics of internet journalism discussed by Del Vecchio de Lima et al (2017). It is concluded that, although the coverage on climate change on the website in question is very low, the theme is not generally treated with "drama" (in order to thrill), as usually happens in several news vehicles. <![CDATA[<b>Participation in Political Protest</b>: <b>Tracing Direct and Indirect Effects of News Usage and Social Interaction</b>]]> The present article attempts to explain that social media is generally considered as an important source for expanding political protest via survey data obtained from 2628 Iranian youth. Using social media information, it is expected that political discussions within social media may also be expanded, thereby enhancing the willingness to participate in political protest. The results indicate that social media for news usage and the increase in the size of social networks presented in these media increases the willingness to participate in political protest either directly or indirectly and through the strengthening of political discussions. Moreover, using social media for social interactions, although not directly affecting participation in political protest, strengthens political discussions among political protesters. <![CDATA[<b>Political and social behavior in social networks of students in Communication in Brazil, Spain and Portugal</b>]]> La adopción de las redes sociales a las rutinas comunicativas de los jóvenes conlleva también una nueva forma de informarse sobre la actualidad y sobre los problemas de su entorno que les capacita y les forma como ciudadanos. A través de una encuesta de conveniencia, el presente trabajo, de carácter exploratorio (vinculado a un proyecto de investigación), compara el modo y percepciones sobre la información que obtienen de las redes los futuros profesionales de Periodismo de Brasil, España y Portugal. Entre las conclusiones más relevantes, se detecta un alto uso de estas herramientas por los universitarios de Comunicación para informarse, aunque muestran un notable grado de escepticismo ante la veracidad de sus contenidos.<hr/>The adoption of social networks to the communicative routines of young people also implies a new form of accessing both news and information about environment problems. This phenomenon affects them as citizens. Through an exploratory survey, this paper (linked to a research project) compares methods and perceptions about the information obtained from networks of future journalists from Brazil, Spain and Portugal. Among the most relevant conclusions, a high use of these tools by Communication students in order to access news is shown, although the degree of skepticism about the veracity of its contents is remarkable. <![CDATA[<b>Mediação digital para a inovação territorial</b>: <b>um estudo de caso múltiplo em redes sociais digitais</b>]]> As redes sociais digitais são espaços infocomunicacionais contemporâneos que estão a influenciar o desenvolvimento social e económico dos territórios. No entanto, o papel das redes sociais digitais nos processos de inovação territorial de base comunitária ainda não foi suficientemente explorado, carecendo de aprofundamento dada a escassez de estudos científicos e de publicações sobre este tema. Neste artigo procura-se contribuir para a compreensão do papel das redes sociais digitais na promoção de cenários efetivos de inovação territorial nas áreas do Turismo e da Saúde e Bem-estar. Neste sentido, realizou-se um benchmarking do uso das redes sociais (Facebook, Twitter e Youtube) de iniciativas locais, na tentativa de identificar exemplos de boas práticas de utilização destas redes para a dinamização de projetos de inovação territorial. Embora as redes sociais selecionadas se distingam pelo número de seguidores e tenham diferentes níveis de envolvimento e colaboração entre os utilizadores, pudemos observar, neste levantamento de dados, os principais fatores motivadores para a participação das iniciativas estudadas. Pese embora a especificidade dos casos estudados, considera-se que o estudo apresenta um contributo para construir uma visão mais analítica sobre as práticas de gestão das redes sociais; os resultados alcançados poderão ser utilizados para extrair recomendações para a consolidação efetiva de estratégias que visam a promoção da capacidade de iniciativa das comunidades locais.<hr/>Digital social networks are contemporary info-communicational spaces, which are influencing the social and economic development of the territories. Still, the role of digital social networks in the process of community-led territorial innovation has not yet been sufficiently investigated. The scarcity of scientific studies and publications on this subject warrants further investigation. This article contributes to the understanding of the role of digital social networks in the promotion of effective scenarios of territorial innovation in the areas of Tourism and of Health and Well-being. In this sense, a benchmarking of the use of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube) of local initiatives was carried out to identify examples of good practices in the use of social networks to stimulate territorial innovation projects. Despite the different number of followers and distinct levels of engagement and collaboration among users, it was possible, through this data collection, to observe the main drivers for participation in the initiatives studied. Regardless of the specificity of the cases studied, this study contributes to the development of a more analytical view on social networks management practices; the results achieved can be used to draw recommendations for the effective consolidation of strategies aimed at promoting the power of initiative of local communities. <![CDATA[<b>O ensino universitário do ciberjornalismo no Brasil e na Espanha</b>: <b>respostas formativas e desafios futuros no contexto convergente e social</b>]]> Brasil e Espanha são dois países da área iberoamericana que têm mostrado maior dinamismo no âmbito do ciberjornalismo, tanto a nível profissional, como de pesquisa e formação. Diante disso e da consolidação de tendências como o jornalismo social e a convergência de mídias, este artigo investiga o estado atual do ensino de ciberjornalismo em seis das principais universidades do Brasil e da Espanha. O objetivo é refletir sobre o tipo de resposta que a universidade oferece atualmente às necessidades informativas presentes e futuras de uma sociedade crescentemente tecnológica e interconectada, ou seja, cada vez mais convergente e social. Para isso, o estudo emprega uma abordagem metodológica baseada na análise dos currículos de graduação e pós-graduação e em opiniões de professores. Os resultados enfocam questões relacionadas à denominação das disciplinas, ao modelo de formação, ao itinerário curricular ou à abordagem teórico-prática. Concluiu-se que a mudança profissional promovida em diferentes níveis pelos processos de convergência midiática e pela assimilação das rotinas produtivas 2.0 tem impulsionado uma adaptação progressiva dos currículos brasileiros e espanhóis em termos de diversificação, transversalidade e especialização. Nesses currículos, o ensino em torno do ciberjornalismo responde à necessidade que os jornalistas têm para uma formação cada vez mais ampla.<hr/>Brazil and Spain are two Iberoamerican countries that have evidenced up to date one of the highest dynamisms in the online professional and scholar fields. Taking into account the consolidation in the last years of social journalism and media convergence tendencies, this article analyses how online journalism teaching is currently being developed in six of the most relevant public and private universities of Brazil and Spain. The study aims to gain a depth insight into the response that University education is giving to the current and future needs of a society increasingly interconnected and influenced by technology, and thus more and more convergent and social. With this purpose, the study uses a methodological approach based on the analysis of several teaching curriculums in Grade and Posgrade, apart from considering the opinions of teachers in charge of online journalism subjects in both countries. The results provide specific data about training models, denomination of the courses and subjects, curricular development options, current theoretical and practical approach to online journalism related subjects and future challenges and opportunities. It was concluded that the professional change promoted at different levels by the processes of media convergence and the assimilation of the 2.0 productive routines has promoted a progressive adaptation of the Brazilian and Spanish curricula in terms of diversification, transversality and specialization. In these curricula, teaching around cyberjournalism responds to the need for journalists for an increasingly broader education. <![CDATA[<b>Parlamento midiático</b>: <b>análise da programação da TV Câmara do Brasil sob a ótica dos parlamentes, dos mediamakers e do público</b>]]> Estudo sobre o uso da televisão pelo parlamento brasileiro, com base no exame da política de programação da TV Câmara, de 2010 a 2016. A pesquisa identifica quatro estratégias que a emissora emprega para ampliar as possibilidades de divulgação política: a transmissão ao vivo das sessões legislativas; a divulgação de informações políticas no formato de telejornal; a realização de debates e de entrevistas; e a produção de programas históricos, culturais e documentários. O artigo avalia os conteúdos sob a perspectiva dos mediamakers, dos parlamentares e do público. Mostra que os mediamakers defendem que a programação da emissora deve ser instrumento de promoção da transparência das atividades legislativas, do debate público e da cultura nacional. Já os deputados reivindicam maior atenção às suas atividades, inclusive bases eleitorais, enquanto o público destaca a função de monitoramento das atividades legislativas.<hr/>This paper analyzes the use of television by the Brazilian parliament, based on the examination of the programming policy of TV Câmara, the channel maintained by the Chamber of Deputies (2010-2016). The research identifies four strategies the channel uses to broaden the possibilities of political dissemination: live transmission of the legislative sessions; news shows; debates and interviews; cultural and documentary programs. This article examines the evaluation of the content from the perspective of mediamakers, members of Congress and the public. Mediamakers defend the TV schedule as an instrument of transparency of legislative activities, promotion of public debate and national culture. Members demand more attention to their activities, including in their electoral bases, while the public highlights the function of monitoring legislative activities. <![CDATA[<b>A content analysis case study of media and public trust in Japan</b>: <b>After the quake</b>]]> On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 (Mw) earthquake off the Pacific coast of Honshu, Japan, caused a devastating tsunami, killing thousands of people. The 2011 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake also created a partial meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, operated by TEPCO. TEPCO's and Japan's government response during this tragedy is the focus of this study. How institutions handle crises impacts public trust in institutions, which is a central theme. Using Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) as a framework, a content analysis of a U.S. national newspaper and a Japan-based English language newspaper was conducted covering a period of three months following the disaster. The primary objectives were to determine the nature of TEPCO's communication and the extent to which unethical crisis communication patterns were revealed in the news sources. Key findings included a) TEPCO maintaining the role of victim throughout the early stages of the crisis, thus accepting no responsibility for the radiation problems; and b) TEPCO minimizing the risk of radiation in the early weeks of the crisis, while it had more concrete data suggesting otherwise. Other findings including differences in content as a function of newspaper source and crisis stage are also reported.