ISSN 1647-2160
[printed version]



Basic Information

Complete title of the journal: Portuguese Journal of Mental Health Nursing


Publisher: Portuguese Society of Mental Health Nursing


Objectives of the journal: Divulge research based knowledge, reviewed by experts, relevant to clinical practice, education and research; promote the spreading of scientific knowledge in mental health nursing; contribute to scientific basis of interventions in mental health nursing; promote the development of research and education in mental health area; encourage knowledge diffusion in specific and related areas in mental health; contribute to improving care assistance to people with mental health needs; divulge scientific evidence on life span health promotion, illness prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration of people with mental illness.


Areas of interest of the journal: Lifespan health promotion, illness prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration of people with mental health disease; nursing assessment, diagnostic, interventions and results; information systems and quality indicators in mental health; rights and duties of mental health patients; mental health nursing practice and research; ethics and development of best practices in mental health; politics and health care design.


History of the journal: The Portuguese Journal of Mental Health Nursing is a property of Portuguese Society of Mental Health Nursing. Inscribed in health sciences domain, particularly in mental health area, with a specific focus on nursing sciences, aiming to contribute to practice orientation and development and to direct future research lines.

Therefore we privilege original research, literature review, and good practices / reflection articles, which can be useful to our journal target public.


Frequency: Biannual


Abbreviated title: RPESM


Information Services

SciELO Portugal; SciELO Citation Index - Thomson Reuters; Latindex; Consejo Iberoamericano de Editores de Revistas de Enfermería y Afines (CIBERE); CINAHL Complete; REV@Enf - Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde - Enfermagem;



©Portuguese Society of Mental Health Nursing

Accepted and published articles are property of ASPESM, and authorial rights reserved to the society. Responsibility and transference of authorÕs rights declaration will be sent along with the final article proof.






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© 2020 Sociedade Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental

ESEP - Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto

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