Revista Portuguesa de Clínica Geral

ISSN 0870-7103
[printed version



The Portuguese Journal of General Practice has a circulation of 8 000 copies. The copies are freely distributed to the members of the Portuguese Association of General Practitioners and to several libraries of scientific institutions. The journal is also freely available in its entirety on the Internet, in the Portuguese Association of General Practitioners' website.

The annual subscription to the journal costs 45€. The price of a single copy is 10€. For subscriptions or purchase of articles, please contact Medfarma - Edições Médicas, Lda.



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© 2011 Associação Portuguesa dos Médicos de Clínica Geral

Avenida da República, nº 97 - 1º
1050-190 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel.: 21 76 15 250
21 79 33 145
