ISSN 0872-8178
[Printed version




Scope and policy


  • The Jornal Português de Gastrenterologia receives and publishes articles on a wide range of topics directly or indirectly related to the digestive system and endoscopy.
  • All articles submitted, except for those expressly solicited by the editor, are sent to two reviewers for appraisal. These reviewers are chosen, preferably, from among the members of the journal’s scientific board. Whenever the nature of the article warrants or if the article covers material in which none of the members of the scientific board are well versed, another reviewer, who may or may not be a gastroenterologist, may be chosen. If the reviewers arrive at vastly different conclusions, the article is submitted for consideration to the section editor, who will decide what course to take.
  • Any opinions expressed in the articles are entirely the responsibility of the authors.
  • The journal has a circulation of 4000, and is distributed to all gastroenterologists, surgeons, some internists, hospital libraries and health centres.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


  • After receipt, manuscripts are evaluated by the journal’s Editorial Board and sent to the reviewers. These in turn will analyse the article and make any comments they deem pertinent. Reviewers’ comments are then sent separately to the editor and to the authors. The articles are assigned to one of the following categories:

·         Accepted

·         Accepted after correction

·         Accepted after reformulation

·         Rejected


  • Originals, in Portuguese or in English, should be submitted with a declaration of originality and transfer of property rights in one of the following formats:

·                 On diskette and accompanied by 3 printed copies;

·                 Typed in triplicate, double-spaced, on A4 paper, on one side only, with lateral margins of no less than 2.5 cm. All pages should be numbered in the upper right-hand corner. Numbering of references, tables, and figures should be done in the order they appear in the text.

The originals should be prepared in the following order, with each section beginning on a new page: 1. Title page, 2. Abstract, 3. Introduction, 4. Material and Methods, 5. Results, 6. Discussion, 7. Bibliography, 8. Legends, 9. Figures, 10. Tables.


We ask that you submit the article in digital format. Articles submitted by e-mail are also accepted as long as they fulfil all the requirements mentioned above.


  • The Title Page should contain:

Title – should not exceed 120 characters. It may include a subtitle with a maximum of 45 characters. Titles of images should not exceed 8 words.

Authors – identification of the authors should be made using the initials of the first name, surname and academic qualifications. The service, department or institution where the work was carried out should be identified as well.

Sponsors – any entities that sponsored the work should be mentioned.

Correspondence – mention the address of the author to which any correspondence should be sent.

Declaration of originality of the article and agreement of all the authors on the opinions expressed in the work.  


The Abstract is written in Portuguese and in English and should not exceed 200 words, for original articles, or 120 words for clinical case studies. Its organisation should observe the sequence: introduction, objectives, methods, results and conclusions.

Key words, in Portuguese and English.


Text should not exceed 12 pages for original articles and 6 pages for clinical case studies. In the case of images, the text should not exceed 200 words and should not contain figures or tables; the maximum number of images published is 3. In the case of endoscopic briefs, text is limited to 2 pages, without tables, which may contain up to 3 figures with legends.

With regard to medications, abbreviations, parameters and labelling of figures and tables, the journal follows international standards.


The Bibliography should be referenced using Arabic numerals, and be listed in the order that the citations appear in the text. In original and review articles there is no set limit to the number of citations. In clinical case studies, citations should not exceed 15. In endoscopic briefs and in images, the maximum number of citations allowed is 5. As is customary, references to personal communications and unpublished data are made directly in the text and are not numbered. We recommend that the citation standards published in the New England Journal of Medicine (N Engl J Med 1991;324:424-28) be followed.


Legends are to be sent on separate pages and numbered in order with Arabic numerals. They should provide enough information to make it possible to interpret the figure.


·        Tables and Figures should be sent on separate pages and be accompanied by their respective legends on a separate page. Figures should be provided in triplicate in photographic form or in digital format. The maximum number of figures and tables combined is 8 for original articles and 5 for clinical case studies. Modifications suggested by the reviewers and revision of galley proof revisions are to be completed by the authors by the deadline stipulated by the journal. The editorial body also revises the galley proofs.



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© 2012 Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastrenterologia

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1000 - 042 Lisboa - Portugal
Tel. 21 7995535
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